Courses Available

Bridge Courses

1. Advanced Science Course

Advanced Science Course 
This focus on the understanding of concepts and the application of scientific ideas in novel contexts. The syllabuses develop creative thinking and problem-solving skills which are transferable to any future career path. 
This course prepares students who want to study or related subjects at college, or to follow a career in science or medicine.
This course has two parts:

Foundation Course:
This part focuses on the understanding of basic concepts and the application of scientific ideas. 

Subjects Offered:
 Biology(Botany+ Zoology), Chemistry, Physics, English, Mathematics, GK & IQ. 

 10 weeks
Classes 6 days per week – Sunday to Friday – 3:30 hours daily
Weekly Model Test – Every Saturday 

Shift : Morning 6.30 am to 10.00am 
           Day 10.30 am to 2.00pm 
           Afternoon 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm

• Fee: 6500/-

2. Advanced Management Course

It prepare students for the world of work, and provides a foundation for university by building on the understanding of concepts and practical skills. This course helps students who aim to join Management Stream in higher secondary level. It enables students to develop a deeper insight and wider perspective on business, social and cultures issues around the globe.
This course has two parts:

Foundation Course:
This part focuses on the understanding of basic concepts and the application of business ideas. 

Subjects Offered:
 Accountancy, Economics, Business Studies, English, B. Mathematics, GK & IQ, Entrance Preparation.

 8 weeks
Classes 6 days per week – Sunday to Friday – 3:30 hours daily
Weekly Model Test – Every Saturday

Shift :
 Morning 6.30 am to 10.00am 
          Day 10.30 am to 2.00pm 
          Afternoon 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm

• Fee: 5500/-

3. A-Level Science Course

A Level Bridge Course gives excellent preparation for those students who want A Level education in next step.The course is designed in a such way to introduce and make students learn the differences between O Level and SLC curricula. It focuses on the preparation of entrance exam of the targeted Colleges.
Cambridge International A- Levels typically take two years to complete and offer a flexible course of study that gives students freedom to select subjects that are right for them . It has a wide area and scope to go to, and build career respectively

Note:Generally, colleges open admission and enrollment after SLC examinations.
This course has two parts:

Foundation Course:

This part focuses on the understanding of basic concepts and the application of scientific ideas. 

Subjects Offered:

Biology(Botany+ Zoology), Chemistry, Physics, General Paper, Mathematics, GK & IQ, Entrance Preparation. 

Accountancy, Economics, Business Studies, English, B. Mathematics, GK & IQ, Entrance Preparation. 

 10 weeks
Classes 6 days per week – Sunday to Friday – 3:30 hours daily
Weekly Model Test – Every Saturday 

Shift :
 Morning 6.30 am to 10.00am 
          Day 10.30 am to 2.00pm 
          Afternoon 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm

• Fee: 10500/

4. A-Level Non Science Course

5. Staff Nurse Preparation Course

Nursing is one of the prestigious professions and has become highly competitive and prized everywhere. The course which enables students to set up their future with Nobel services as well as well paid salary. Therefore, in Nepal, there is keen competition for the limited seats available in reputed nursing colleges and institutions, careful and thorough preparation for the entrance exam is most essential.

NPC is short term course and prepares Students who want to follow a career and establish their identity as a successful nurse in futures. It has a different approach and methodology to help students for their mission. It is a solid platform to tackle and to go and comprehend admission and entrance test in reputed Nursing Colleges.
Subjects Offered:
  Health, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), English, Maths and G.K & IQ
Duration: 12 weeks
Classes 7 days per week: Sunday to Friday 3.5 hrs a day
Weekly Model Test: Every Saturday
Shift: Morning: (6:30- 10:00 a.m.)
Day: (10:30-2 p.m.)
Afternoon: (2-5:30 p.m.)
Fee: 7000/-

6. Entrance Preparation Classes

• Entrance Preparation Course
• This course focuses on the intensive preparation for targeted colleges.
Subjects Offered:
Biology(Botany+ Zoology), Chemistry, Physics, English, Mathematics, GK & IQ

 10 weeks
Classes 6 days per week – Sunday to Friday – 3:30 hours daily
Weekly Model Test – Every Saturday 

Shift :
 Morning 6.30 am to 10.00am 
Day 10.30 am to 2.00pm 
Afternoon 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm

Fee: 6000/

7. Personality Development 
The objective of this module is to infuse required values and attributes in the students. Apart the academic inputs they will learn that attributes which are termed as “Soft skills” are even more important and the same has to be understood and acquired in order to face competition, handle success, excel in career, lead organizations and more importantly to become better persons.

Module Highlights
The Personality development training session course module is designed specifically for the students. The focus is provide adequate inputs in following:
• Leadership
• Communication skills
• Reading & comprehension skills
• Interpersonal relations
• Decision-making
• Confidence building
• Motivation 
• Time management
• Cracking interviews and evaluations tests/ entrance examination

Course duration
The duration of this course module is flexible
Minimum course durations 16 Hours

1. Classroom sessions
2. A/V aids
3. Role-plays
4. Team building exercise
5. Case studies
6. Site visits
7. Attending and participating various assignments and programs

Tuition Classes

1. A-Level Tuition Classes(All Subjects)
2. +2 All Subjects
3. Bachelors Level (All Subjects)
4. Masters Level(All Subjects)

Language Classes
1. Korean Language
2. Japanese Language
3. French Language
4. English Language for all Levels


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